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Beauty and the Beast

by Phiphi Dinh and Teresa Xiao

     Remember those days when the original Disney Princess movies were released and you were so excited to see it! Well, Belle, the Disney princess from Beauty and the Beast, is making a comeback for our generation. Featuring Emma Watson as Belle and Dan Stevens as the Beast, with the help of director Gary Trousdale, are bringing back the new and improved version of the original 1991 movie. The animated movie is turned into a live-action setting where fantasy and romance is brought to life.

     The movie takes place in the 1740’s. A young maiden named Belle lives with her father, Maurice, in a small village. She is the only woman in the town that can read. Belle gets criticized and judged because of this. Far away in a castle, a spoiled prince was cursed by an enchantress. She turned the prince into a hideous beast and cast a powerful spell on the castle, turning all the workers to household items. While in the village, Belle's father was preparing himself for a trip into the market. He wanders into the Beast’s castle and the beast takes him as his prisoner. Later on, Belle finds her father and trades places with him. The beast and Belle bond over their love of books and they fall in love.


     Beauty and the Beast was an outstanding remake of the classic 1991 princess movie. Featuring Emma Watson and Dan Stevens who were the perfect actor and actress for the part, expressing tragedy and romance. Emerging from a simple village where Maurice runs away with Belle to save her from the plague that invaded Europe, a simple but astonishing way to bring about the plot. Featuring amazing songs sang by inanimate objects, played by Ian McKellen, Emma Thompson, Gugu Mbatharaw, and much more. Overall, Beauty and the Beast is one of the most exceptional movies that have been produced from the animated version.


     Beauty and the Beast is a stunning movie. The producers made sure to include scenes from the original, but still making it more mature and interesting. We rate this movie 10/10. We would recommend this movie to girls between the ages of 5-16 because the character Belle is an important role model.

Daily Manga

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