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Welcome Ms. Alcantar!

Jasmine: Welcome Ms. Alcantar. We have created a school newspaper by students, for students. I wanted to know if I could ask you a few questions?

My first question is, how do you like Nightingale so far?

Ms. Alcantar: Nightingale feels like a friendly warm place. Students are...friendly.

Jasmine: What inspired you to teach?

Ms. Alcantar: I wanted to influence students the way I was influenced by my teachers. My teachers are what made me who I am today.

Jasmine: How many years have you been teaching?

Ms. Alcantar: 3.

Jasmine: What grades do you teach at Nightingale?

Ms. Alcantar: Seventh and eight. I can teach seventh through twelfth grade. My favorite grades to teach are eleven and twelve.

Jasmine: What college did you attend?

Ms. Alcantar: San Francisco State University

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